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Logo of the Soil Food Web Ontology.

Welcome to the homepage of the Soil Food Web Ontology


The Soil Food Web Ontology (SFWO) is an OWL ontology that provides a formal representation of the terminology and concepts in the field of soil trophic ecology. The SFWO is a collaborative and ongoing endeavour aimed at establishing consensus and formal definitions for the array of concepts relevant to soil trophic ecology (diets, food resources, trophic processes/interactions/groups). Its primary objective is to enhance the accessibility, interpretation, combination, reuse, and automated processing of trophic data to support soil food-web research.

Diagram showing the core classes and properties of the Soil Food Web Ontology. The core classes and properties of the Soil Food Web Ontology (SFWO).

Who is involved in the development of the SFWO?

Members of the SFWO Working Group meet regularly to vet and approve changes to the ontology. It is currently composed of:


The SFWO user manual is designed to explain the core functionality of the SFWO for newcomers, and to serve as a canonical reference for developers. It is under active development.

How to contribute to the Soil Food Web Ontology?

Please use our GitHub issue tracker to request a term or report a problem with the SFWO:

Cite the Soil Food Web Ontology

Please cite Le Guillarme, N., Hedde, M., Potapov, A. M., Martínez-Muñoz, C. A., Berg, M. P., Briones, M. J., … & Thuiller, W. (2023). The Soil Food Web Ontology: Aligning trophic groups, processes, resources, and dietary traits to support food-web research. Ecological Informatics, 78, 102360.

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Contact us

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